Thursday, December 24, 2009

Social Media Seasonal Sewerage

Are Social Media Christmas greetings the latest seasonal spam?

OK. I can understand that some people are genuinely well intentioned in their desire to wish all 1,000, 5,000, or 2 million people in their social networks all the very best for Christmas and the New Year. Personally it pisses me off!

If you intend to wish me anything, MAKE IT PERSONAL. This seems to be the main point that most people are missing in social media in general. Sure, we all let quite a number of general and generic messages from each other to our whole network slip through on a regular basis however when it comes to something like a greeting on ANY special occasion, personalise it for maximum acceptance, appreciation, and effect. Or risk being perceived as just another ignoramus social media slob wading through the social media sewerage pipes in an pathetic attempt to create awareness of YOU. Hey! Fella!! Here's a tip, it' not about YOU!!

It is the same as in the off-line world at Christmas time. The hand-written card or note, and I mean truly hand written not computer hand written like a certain network marketing company - initials S.O.C. - makes possible, is much better received than the generic cards that are sent by companies every year. If you read enough you'll discover oodles of people who have conducted surveys on this, or just simply know from the measured feedback they receive.

So do yourself and the rest of us a favour. Help reduce the noise to level ratios, and the inconvenient truth for all of the greenies out there, many of whom participate in this practice of generating as much social media seasonal sewerage as their CPU, RAM, and broadband will permit, is that you will be reducing your carbon footprint. Stop sending this crap to the network and instead invest a small amount of time in sending greetings to the people you actually know, and who you genuinely would like to know. Personalise each message and you will most likely be amazed at how much further your networking reach and influence extends in the coming year.

Now go and have a damn fine Christmas and a bloody fantastic New Year!!!

See you all on the flip side .... or sooner.

Be awesome!


About the author:
I am a serial entrepreneur with business interests in venture capital & private funding, social media marketing, wellness, personal development, and online services. Together with a select group of C-Level executives, I also provide an outsourced interim board service. I am passionate about helping others to achieve success, and lead Mastermind Groups of people committed to bringing about a positive change in their lifestyle.

If you have an interest in any of the above areas and are seeking advice or support for a specific issue, send me an email with an overview of what you would like to discuss and we will schedule time to talk by phone or Skype.

Assuring your success through value innovation and focused attention.

GSM: +61 414 317579

Most Connected Management Consultant in Australia on LinkedIn.

Follow me on Twitter -

Connect with me on Ecademy - real people, real business, real outcomes.

Posted via email from Blue Oceans

Monday, December 21, 2009

New Year's Drinks - AUS Ecademy Sydney


2009 presented several personal and professional challenges for many of us. Some we overcome, some taught us valuable lessons, and from others we are still in the process of creating some valuable outcome.

Whether you are already officially back at work or still bathing in the sunshine of free time before kicking off the new business year, rock on up to the Bavarian Bier Cafe in Parramatta to meet other Sydney based entrepreneurs, business owners, directors, managers, and just some great people also interested in establishing mutually beneficial relationships and creating value.

2010 will be a great year. Personally it signifies the re-birth of some personal family traditions, a new focus on more quality time (work hard, play hard, rest hard), a commitment to help young entrepreneurial talent to develop, and more attention to building close and very personal connections with a limited number of dedicated and committed people in my new mastermind group.

I look forward to seeing as many of you in Parramatta on the 14th of January as can make it. If any company would like to sponsor the event, please contact me and let's make it an even more valuable evening for your business by showcasing what you do.

Be outstanding!!


Event Registration Link:

About the author:
I am a serial entrepreneur with business interests in venture capital & private funding, social media marketing, wellness, personal development, and online services. Together with a select group of C-Level executives, I also provide an outsourced interim board service. I am passionate about helping others to achieve success, and lead Mastermind Groups of people committed to bringing about a positive change in their lifestyle.

If you have an interest in any of the above areas and are seeking advice or support for a specific issue, send me an email with an overview of what you would like to discuss and we will schedule time to talk by phone or Skype.

Assuring your success through value innovation and focused attention.
GSM: +61 414 317579

Most Connected Management Consultant in Australia on LinkedIn.

Follow me on Twitter -

Connect with me on Ecademy - real people, real business, real outcomes.

Posted via email from Blue Oceans

Friday, December 18, 2009

Clayton Responses

Remember Clayton's non-alcoholic beverage that supposedly tasted like Scotch in the same kind of way that McDonalds tastes like a hamburger? The marketing slogan was that it was the drink you had when you were not having a drink.

Have you ever received one of those Clayton email responses from fruit cakes who like nothing more than to hear themselves talk, eh, see and read their pixels of drivel on the screen?

The type of emails I mean usually start with some superficially polite comment like

'Hi, how are you?'

... Yeh! Right! As if you could really give a shit you hypocritical S.O.B! ... or is this comment tainted by the fact that I spent a couple of years in New York?

What usually follows is some version of the following:

"Whilst your email doesn't actually warrant any kind of response beyond that of simple acknowledgment of its receipt,..."  .... I am going to make a complete hypocritical dickhead out of myself and respond anyway.

I am convinced that more than half of these people are heavily medicated and keep forgetting to take their pills, and the rest are on the tail end of a continuous all night bender, or both.

If you were truly not interested you would uphold your honour and not respond instead of acting like a complete and utter twat about it. Let's face it. This type of email among respectable people is seen for what it is, a total f@(& off statement and we treat it as such. In the deluded and confrontational mind of the sender they are probably secretly hoping that there will be a response so that they can continue to seek the moral high ground of their diatribe. Alas, seek as much as they will the will never achieve it. Very little is impossible in this world, but that such people should ever achieve moral high ground in any conversation until they curb their ways (in which case they would no longer be such people) is one of those few impossibilities.

The quality of our lives is indeed determined by the way respond to any given circumstance. The time between an event and our response to it determines how we perceive ourselves and as a result how the world will be given the opportunity to perceive us. So next time you might be tempted to respond to an email that you consider doesn't warrant a response..... DON'T!!!!!!!!!

Be awesome!! .... Not an asshole!!

Make your day exceptional!!


About the author:
I am a serial entrepreneur with business interests in venture capital & private funding, social media marketing, wellness, personal development, and online services. Together with a select group of C-Level executives, I also provide an outsourced interim board service. I am passionate about helping others to achieve success, and lead Mastermind Groups of people committed to bringing about a positive change in their lifestyle.
If you have an interest in any of the above areas and are seeking advice or support for a specific issue, send me an email with an overview of what you would like to discuss and we will schedule time to talk by phone or Skype.

Assuring your success through value innovation and focused attention.

GSM: +61 414 317579

Most Connected Management Consultant in Australia on LinkedIn.

Follow me on Twitter -

Connect with me on Ecademy - real people, real business, real outcomes.

Posted via email from Blue Oceans

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Rudd's Latest Apology ... who asked him?

First the aboriginals, now the lost Australians, perhaps Kevin 07 should make a point of apologising to someone new every day from now on until his sorry butt is kicked out of government. Kevin if you are listening, here are a few suggestions:
  • Apologise to every child who was never allowed to stay up late and watch the late movie
  • Apologise to every husband whose wife ever had a headache
  • Apologise to every wife whose husband couldn't last more than a few minutes, or worse still couldn't get it up at all
  • Apologise to every person who ever had a delayed departure at the airport
  • Apologise to every person who ever missed an appointment because the bus was too late.
  • Apologise to every Australian that you were ever born
Seriously, with the exception of the last one, all of these apologies would be about as relevant as the one to the aborigines and so-called lost Australians.

You play the cards you are dealt. Over time, you will start to notice that the cards you are dealt become better. Or do they? Perhaps it has more to do with your increased confidence and greater skill at playing the game. Life works in the same way. Stop playing to the weeping and whinging wimps who refuse to take responsibility to make the best out of what they have and create a better life, and who instead would rather blame everyone else but themselves for their situation.

I don't see Silvio Berlusconi apologising to most of Europe and the region for the Roman Empire!!! And although the Germans politicians are still pretty sensitive about their recent history, many Germans rightly feel that it is time to move on.... and it is ... also in Australia. The current generations are not at fault nor are they to blame. The people you need to vent your anger at are six feet under so if you want to connect with them, either find religion or slash your wrists.

Posted via email from Blue Oceans

Freedom suffers thanks to closet sex workers

Every time some out of control judge or politician (let's face it that's most of them) takes it upon them self to make a pathetic ruling or push through some ridiculous legislation, our freedom is reduced a little more. Regrettably this happens hundreds of times every day; even more regrettable is that we rarely hear about it until we need to defend our rights in the same legal arena of lunacy that creates the problem.

A recent ruling in Victoria demonstrates again clearly that all legal professionals really are just glorified sex workers in the closet; they screw everybody indiscriminately and hide behind a veil of self-fulfilling legal protection. If they had any guts whatsoever they step out into the real world and contribute something good and creative to the community instead of pontificating from their pulpits and dressing in robes to mask their insecurity; but like Linus holding on to his blanket, their shortcomings are abundantly obvious.

Erin Maitland of the Three Sisters travel company wanted to create a women only tour company, catering only to women. And why not? I say!! The masons are men only, Fernwood fitness centres are women only, the Amazons are women only and undoubtedly there are many other examples of groups, organisations, and businesses that are specific to one gender or the other. In the ruling against Erin Maitland and her Three Sisters company, the judge (Let's call it 'Voldermord', i.e. the one who must not be named lest they come after me for some ridiculous reason) refused to grant an exemption to the Equal Opportunity Act, ruling that Ms Maitland had not proved it was reasonable or necessary. Seriously!! Reasonable or necessary to have an exemption to the Equal Opportunity Act. Why in God's name should one need an exemption anyway for this??? GET REAL!!!

One might think that the judge was some woman hating male chauvinist. But no it was a member of the sorority, a sister in arms. So what is the motivation? Does this person simply want to prove that she can measure herself with the men? Is she so insecure, more so than the average legal professional, that she doesn't have the chutzpah to allow common sense to prevail (not that there has ever been much common sense or reason or logic to be found in the legal community anyway)? Or is she just trying to make an even bigger name for herself? 

Ether way, this decision is another classic example of legal lunacy. As Australians, and simply decent members of this and global society, we have a right and indeed a responsibility to ensure that this type of madness is halted.

Recently the economies of the world have been re-aligned. Thankfully someone hit the reset button. I suggest it is now time that we hit the reset button on the legal community before they lead us into total annihilation. 

About the author:
I am a serial entrepreneur with business interests in venture capital & private funding, social media marketing, wellness, personal development, and online services. Together with a select group of C-Level executives, I also provide an outsourced interim board service. I am passionate about helping others to achieve success, and lead Mastermind Groups of people committed to bringing about a positive change in their lifestyle. If you have an interest in any of the above areas and are seeking advice or support for a specific issue, send me an email with an overview of what you would like to discuss and we will schedule time to talk by phone or Skype.

Assuring your success through value innovation and focused attention.
GSM: +61 414 317579

Most Connected Management Consultant in Australia on LinkedIn.
Follow me on Twitter -
Connect with me on Ecademy - real people, real business, real outcomes.

Posted via email from Blue Oceans

Monday, November 9, 2009

Freedom goes further down the gurgler

20 years on, different continent, different circumstances, same old story. Australians need to wake up and smell the stench of over-regulated bureaucracy that is killing freedom in this country. Marius Müller Westerhagen said it well back in the 80's in Germany in the song 'Freiheit' (Freedom). Hopefully Australia will wake up before it is too late and we grow totally numb to the impact that the lunacy of overly-social, cover your ass, and everyone-is-responsible-just-not-me politics and social behaviour is having on the formerly pragmatic and have a go mentality that made Australia great.

Given that Australia is hailed as a multi-cultural society I won't bother translating.


Die Vetraege sind gemacht
Und es wurde viel gelacht
Und was Suesses zum Dessert
Freiheit, Freiheit.

Die Kapelle, rum-ta-ta
Und der Papst war auch schon da
Und mein Nachbar vorneweg

Freiheit, Freiheit,
Ist die einzige, die fehlt.
Freiheit, Freiheit,
Ist die einzige, die fehlt.

Der Mensch ist leider nicht naiv.
Der Mensch ist leider primitiv.

Freiheit, Freiheit,
Wurde wieder abbestellt.

Alle, die von Freiheit traeumen,
Sollen's Feiern nicht versaeumen,
Sollen tanzen auch auf Graebern.

Freiheit, Freiheit,
Ist das einzige, was zaehlt.
Freiheit, Freiheit,
Ist das einzige, was zaehlt.

- Marius Müller Westerhagen

Posted via email from Blue Oceans

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Too much communication, not enough connection!!

We build big networks without ever really knowing the people in them!

We subscribe to each others blogs but rarely read them, we read each others tweets ... or not!

We subscribe to each others mailing lists and auto-filter them into archive oblivion in a folder we never open again or they are simply trashed!

We instant message each other and play IM ping pong, or leave voicemails for each other in a game of phone tag!

Sometimes we talk, but rarely if ever do both people in the conversation have a desire to listen, absorb, and contemplate how they can contribute to the other person. Quite often at least one participant has the dominant desire to explain everything there is to know about what is important to them, and they do so in the most minute detail until they achieve information overload.

As a society, in both business and personal affairs, we have reached a noise to level ratio that is communication overload, and it is time we start to understand that less is more. If you want to make a difference in your own life and the life of others, don't communicate ***at*** each other, ***connect with*** each other.

As my good friend Paul Dunn says, we need less communication and more connection. When we connect with people we create action, and through action we gain traction, which in turn leads to attraction.

For those who don't know Paul, he is truly an awesome bloke and deservedly the recipient of the nickname the Wizard of Wow! If you are wondering what the heck I am talking about, connect with Paul and find out for yourself. Paul is the chairman and co-founder of Buy1 Give1 Free ( so he is really easy to find. B1G1 is an example of how when people connect they can create great things. B1G1 connects people who have a desire to contribute in a meaningful way, directly with people who are less privileged and who, with literally the change you might pick up off the street, can benefit in ways that seem surreal to people like you and I.

Did you know that for USD$0.01 you can give a child clean drinking water for a day or for US$12 you can give a family in Kenya a goat that will help them to earn an income for a year?

This is crazy stuff!!!

B1G1 takes nothing out of the donations and 100% of the money donated goes straight to the charity. Most of the time you would be lucky if 40% of your donation made it to the charity but B1G1 is different. VERY different!

Also, the B1G1 system is based on either transactional based donations or impact based donations. That is to say, donations are directly related to the sale of one or more of your products or services. Imagine the impact when you sell a cup of coffee for $3.50 and donate $0.01 or $0.10 or more to provide 1, 10, or more children with clean drinking water for a day for every cup of coffee you sell. Imagine the difference you can make if you have a hotel, and for every room night you sell you provide a person with a roof over their head for several months, or if you sell sunglasses or prescription glasses, or televisions or digital cameras and with every purchase you give a child the gift of proper vision.

Alternatively you might simply elect to donate a lump sum for the purpose of contributing to a specific activity that will impact the life/lives of a person, group, or community, for example building a school, community centre, providing education, food, water, shelter.

Irrespective of whether you prefer to use transaction based donations or impact based donations, using B1G1 you are creating a direct connection between the sale of your products or services and the betterment of people less privileged.

In a few weeks I am proudly co-hosting a webinar with Paul to assist people in understanding how, through connecting their products and/or services to a worthy cause, they can leverage the B1G1 system as an awesome marketing tool for their own business and at the same time make a significant contribution to improving the world and it's economy, one child, one family, and one community, at a time.

When I last spoke to Paul a couple of days ago, he said to me, "Paul, we don't care how much people give, so long as they give.". Remember givers receive, so join Paul and the other great giving companies that have joined B1G1. Be someone that gives.

When we communicate ***at*** each other we achieve little more than a dry mouth, or RSI in the wrist, and a headache from the noise. It is far greater and abundantly more effective to connect, take action, create something through your connectivity and contribution, and then leave OTHERS to communicate ***about*** what you have done as they are inspired by you and what you have helped achieve.

Be awesome, and help some one feel the same way today.

All the best,


About the author:
I am a serial entrepreneur with business interests in venture capital & private funding, social media marketing, wellness, personal development, and online services. Together with a select group of C-Level executives, I also provide an outsourced interim board service. I am passionate about helping others to achieve success, and lead Mastermind Groups of people committed to bringing about a positive change in their lifestyle.

If you have an interest in any of the above areas and are seeking advice or support for a specific issue, send me an email with an overview of what you would like to discuss and we will schedule time to talk by phone or Skype.



Most Connected Management Consultant in Australia on LinkedIn.

Follow me on Twitter - 

Join my Blue Oceans Mailing List - for today's leaders and those who aspire to be
tomorrow -

Connect with me on Ecademy - real people, real business, real outcomes.

Posted via email from Blue Oceans

Hello World

Starting my new Posterous account with a classic :-)

Posted via email from Blue Oceans

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nine Key Points of Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS)

I am often asked what is Blue Ocean Strategy or what is a Blue Ocean Strategist. The most effective way to explain this is to take you directly to the source at and offer the following nine key points of Blue Ocean Strategy. If you have not bought the book, do so. If you would like to understand how to create a blue ocean for your business contact me.
  • BOS is the result of a decade-long study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than 30 industries over 100 years (1880-2000).
  • BOS is the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost.
  • The aim of BOS is not to out-perform the competition in the existing industry, but to create new market space or a blue ocean, thereby making the competition irrelevant.
  • BOS offers a set of methodologies and tools to create new market space.
  • While innovation has been seen as a random/experimental process where entrepreneurs and spin-offs are the primary drivers - as argued by Schumpeter and his followers - BOS offers systematic and reproducible methodologies and processes in pursuit of innovation by both new and existing firms.
  • BOS frameworks and tools include: strategy canvas, value curve, four actions framework, six paths, buyer experience cycle, buyer utility map, and blue ocean idea index.
  • These frameworks and tools are designed to be visual in order to not only effectively build the collective wisdom of the company but also to effectively execute through easy communication.
  • BOS covers both strategy formulation and strategy execution.
  • The three key conceptual building blocks of BOS are: value innovation, tipping point leadership, and fair process.
I trust this has been valuable.

Make your day exceptional.

Kind regards,


About the writer Paul J. Lange:
I am a serial entrepreneur with business interests in venture capital & private funding, social media marketing, wellness, personal development, and online services. Together with a select group of C-Level executives, I also provide an outsourced interim board service. I am passionate about helping others to achieve success, and lead Mastermind Groups of people committed to bringing about a positive change in their lifestyle.

If you have an interest in any of the above areas and are seeking advice or support for a specific issue, send me an email with an overview of what you would like to discuss and we will schedule time to talk by phone or Skype.

Assuring your success through value innovation and focused attention.
GSM: +61 414 317579

Most Connected Management Consultant in Australia on LinkedIn.
Follow me on Twitter -
Connect with me on Ecademy - real people, real business, real outcomes.

Posted via email from Blue Oceans

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The difference between social media marketing and social media meat markets

The Twitter phenomena, following hot on the heals of Facebook and MySpace, has created the impression with many otherwise savvy business people that they can achieve great value simply by joining the respective communities and blasting their advertising out to a waiting world. Those who understand social media, it's culture, power, edification and relationship building potential realise how misguided this impression is. This ignorant approach to social media makes the clueless perpetrators worse than the most abhorrent spammers in existence.

Albeit I am confident that the social media communities will eventually naturally weed out these cyber-ignoramuses, in the meantime the level to noise ratio has become quite deafening, and a real risk exists that instead of being weeded out they grow out of control until there is very little left worth hanging around for.

What is it about the online world that turns normally intelligent, respectable business people into such vulgar bottom feeding scum?

Now a new industry has been spawned that caters to this market of ignorance and helps the cancerous attitude fester. Sites that offer to sell you 1,000 5,000 10,000 or event 100,000 Twitter followers are springing up and offering what appears to be A Grade Prime Rib for the price of cheap hamburger mince. As the saying goes, if you buy a diamond for $10, chances are you are the not-so-proud owner of an expensive piece of shattered glass.

I have no doubt that the people who set up these services know exactly what they are doing and how very little value indeed their service offers to either their clients or the social media communities in general. However their clients are obviously misguided at best and morons at worst if they believe the pitch of these people to be the great Valhalla of social media marketing. Whilst I am all for capitalism and free markets, do these idiots not understand the total and utter irrelevance of spamming their message to a community that by nature is an opt-in, follow by choice environment.

The challenge for the rest of us is to assist these people to understand the nature of this media and show them the benefits that can be derived from approaching it with the correct frame of mind. The question they will have to ask themselves is do they see value in investing time in building such relationships. I suspect the stats for the answer to that question will map pretty closely with the stats of which of those businesses take a relationship building approach to their off-line customer engagements.

Whatever you do, BE amazing!

Kind regards,

About the writer Paul J. Lange:
I am a serial entrepreneur with business interests in venture capital & private funding, social media marketing, wellness, personal development, and online services. Together with a select group of C-Level executives, I also provide an outsourced interim board service. I am passionate about helping others to achieve success, and lead Mastermind Groups of people committed to bringing about a positive change in their lifestyle.

If you have an interest in any of the above areas and are seeking advice or support for a specific issue, send me an email with an overview of what you would like to discuss and we will schedule time to talk by phone or Skype.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nine Key Points of Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) from

Nine Key Points of Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS)

I am often asked what is Blue Ocean Strategy or what is a Blue Ocean Strategist. The most effective way to explain this is to take you directly to the source at and offer the following nine key points of Blue Ocean Strategy. If you have not bought the book, do so. If you would like to understand how to create a blue ocean for your business contact me.

  • BOS is the result of a decade-long study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than 30 industries over 100 years (1880-2000).

  • BOS is the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost.

  • The aim of BOS is not to out-perform the competition in the existing industry, but to create new market space or a blue ocean, thereby making the competition irrelevant.

  • BOS offers a set of methodologies and tools to create new market space.

  • While innovation has been seen as a random/experimental process where entrepreneurs and spin-offs are the primary drivers - as argued by Schumpeter and his followers - BOS offers systematic and reproducible methodologies and processes in pursuit of innovation by both new and existing firms.

  • BOS frameworks and tools include: strategy canvas, value curve, four actions framework, six paths, buyer experience cycle, buyer utility map, and blue ocean idea index.

  • These frameworks and tools are designed to be visual in order to not only effectively build the collective wisdom of the company but also to effectively execute through easy communication.

  • BOS covers both strategy formulation and strategy execution.

  • The three key conceptual building blocks of BOS are: value innovation, tipping point leadership, and fair process.

  • Friday, July 17, 2009

    Productise Your Knowledge: Business Hell to Business Heaven - Free Networking Breakfast

    This is a personal recommendation without any commercial interest beyond seeing more people gain the benefit of Leela's Skills and Experience.

    Take this opportunity to find out how to productise your skills and create additional income for you and your family.

    You have invested many years to become good at what you do. You help others every day by passing on what you know. Is it worth the investment of a few hours of your time next week Saturday 25th July to find out how Leela can help you take what you know and create a new stream of income by helping others to learn what you know?

    If you are in Sydney on Saturday 25th July, invest a few hours and register for this amazing event. Breakfast is included compliments of Leela.

    Places are limited! Book your seat NOW!

    Business Hell to Business Heaven

    Still Seeking Lifestyle Business Breakthrough
    and Financial Freedom Salvation?

    At the Over-Your-Business Bootcamp
    we'll teach you the twin secrets of
    Productisation and Systemisation
    so you can put $100k
    in your business
    in 12 months
    working no more than 2 hours a day

    Over 3 days, the Over Your Business Bootcamp will show you how to use the twin skills of Productisation and Systemisation to create $100,000 income in your business over the next 12 months while working no more than 2 hours a day. This isn't MLM or network marketing - we will take the business you have NOW and reincarnate it into something that pays you while you do what you love!

    Join us for a FREE networking breakfast and 3 hour preview, during which we will cover the 7 DEADLY BUSINESS SINS. Are you committing the sin of Business Lust? Of Business Sloth? Of Business Wrath? Do penance and break free from your sins! Hallelujah!

    Places are limited! Book your seat NOW!

    About Leela Cosgrove & Business Writers Anonymous

    Business Writers Anonymous is Australia's #1 Intellectual Property Development Company, built on a solid foundation of sales and marketing expertise, multi award winning creative writing and a unique understanding of the needs of the speaking, coaching and business development industry, BWA takes your fixer-upper Intellectual Property and renovates it into a luxury home, penthouse or mansion that will make you $$$'s while you sleep.

    Business Writers Anonymous was formed in 2009 by Leela Cosgrove. After 5 years spent creating Information Products for some of the biggest names in the Personal and Professional Development industry in Australia, Leela realised that there was a hole in the market - it was one thing for those who had already 'made it' to be creating Information Products, but those starting out were struggling to understand and afford this crucial element of their business. She formed BWA to ensure that people at all stages of their business had access to the same ideas and product development skills that the Big Names use.

    BWA works with a stable of 20 writers, many of whom have won awards for their creative writing skills and have now turned their hand to providing businesses with something that is sorely lacking - interesting, innovative, information that moves people to take action.

    Working exclusively with the speaking, coaching and business development industry, Business Writers Anonymous have a unique blend of business focused writing with a distinctively creative edge and a very strong sales and marketing background, allowing for explosive results for their clients.

    Where most writers focus on ensuring your spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct, we focus on results, on the clients beating down your door, on the cash flowing into your bank account. Business Writers Anonymous will show you how to turn your information into dollars while leveraging your time so that you can STOP working for money and set money to work for you.

    Secure your place NOW!

    Tuesday, July 7, 2009

    Social Networking Websites: How to Find Them

    Every day across the world hundreds of millions of people communicate with each other online. In addition to communicating with other people in their own country, many are communicating with those on the other side of the globe. This communication is due largely in part to the explosion of online social networking websites over the last 10 years and more. If you are interested in joining the growing number of Internet users who use social networking websites, you will have to find a network to join.

    When it comes to finding the social networking websites that are right for you, you have a number of different options. Perhaps, the easiest way to find a social networking website is by performing a standard Internet search on Google, Yahoo, or one of the many hundred different search engines that exist on the Internet. You may want to search with the words social networking or social networking websites. Whichever search phrase you choose, there is a good chance that you will be presented with a long list of websites with both broad general focus and more specific focus. The latter can become annoying when the focus of page after page of search results returns only dating sites. So perhaps specify the type of networking site you are interested in. For example social business networking, social sports networking website, social scrap-booking networking website. I’m sure you get the idea.

    You can also find and familiarize yourself with social networking websites by talking to those that you know. The Internet, as well as social networks, has rapidly increased in popularity. That popularity means that there is a good chance that one of your relatives, friends, co-workers, or neighbours has used a specific social networking website in the past, and indeed is probably still active. If they are not, find someone who is because the chances are the people who only dabbled and gave it up will not be in the best position to advise you accurately. Many of the people you know may have even used more than one networking website based on different specific interests that they have. If you know someone who has, you will want to ask them their recommendations. You will find that most social networking websites come highly rated, but there are some out there that may not even be worth your time.

    In addition to speaking to those that you actually know, you can also seek recommendations from those that you do not personally know. You can do this online. Online, you should be able to find a number of websites that discuss social networking sites. Many of these websites have reviewed a collection of social networking sites. Warning….unless you are analytically inclined and love research, do this at your own peril as you could find yourself behind the computer clicking from one page to the next to find out more when the hearse comes to take you away. Basically keep it real and reasonable. In addition to reviews and other articles, you should also be able to speak with other Internet users on online message boards. Like speaking to one of your friends, many Internet users would be more than willing to let you know what social networking websites are worth the time and which ones are not. Again, beware of your time. Whilst online message boards and instant messaging programs (IM) are a great tool, they can suck the life out of your schedule like a black-hole.

    Although it is nice to receive recommendations from those that you know or other Internet users, you should ultimately make your own decision. Whether or not a social networking website comes highly recommended, you should still to check it out first yourself. A large number of social networking websites are free to use; therefore, there are no risks associated with giving the site a try. Despite the fact that most online social networking sites are free to use, there are some that you must pay for. A large number of these websites offer free trials. Even if the trial period is only for a few days, you should easily be able to get a feel of the site’s environment and determine whether or not it is right for you.
    In your search for a social networking website, whether you perform your own Internet search or rely on recommendations from others, you should be able to find a number of popular websites. Personally I find Ecademy the most effective for business, LinkedIn is a great Rolodex and others such as Xing & Internations are also very good indeed. You’ll find me on these and feel free to come on up and say “hi”. The good news about this is that if you are not satisfied with the social networking website you joined, you don’t have to worry; there are many more available for you to choose from.

    I hope this was valuable

    Until soon.


    Monday, July 6, 2009

    How to Create a Podcast

    Podcasting is easy to do and become involved in. Anyone who wants to create a podcast should read this brief article. Please also see the blog on “How to Make a Podcast”.

    The first thing necessary is access to a web server. The user needs to be able to upload files to the server itself, so podcasting can't be done from a simple blogging or journal site. It's probably best to register a domain and find a host for the site. There is more information on this in the blog: “How to Make a Podcast”.

    Once the site has been set up and the user has access to the host server, a small program called dircaster.php should be customized for your site, and can be used to automatically generate the RSS feed that the subscribers will download.

    The mp3 files should be uploaded to the proper directory after all the information about the file has been attached. The information you would configure would be the title, the genre, the author/speaker and such similar tags that will allow people interested in your topic to find you online and subscribe to your podcast feed. After the files are uploaded to the directory, the address of dircaster.php, as long as it is in the same directory as the mp3 files, will generate an RSS file that will tell your subscribers where to download the latest podcasts from.

    To update the podcast and upload a new episode, create and upload the new mp3 file to the same directory. When dircaster.php is accessed, it will recognize the new file and relay the information on to your visitors.

    With these steps, it is easy for anyone to create a podcast with a small expenditure of time and effort. The site is easy to set up; domains and hosting are now cheap enough almost anyone to have a small site, and the programs necessary are all easy to find and use.

    I hope this was valuable.


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    Facebook: A Popular Social Networking Website for Former Classmates and Study Buddies

    Have you ever wondered whatever happened to your high school sweetheart? Or the buff surfer dude who melted your heart? How about your best friend who you lost contact with over the years?

    If you have there is a good chance that you have tried to contact them. Unfortunately, many individuals marry or move away. This can make it difficult to contact those that you once to know. That is unless you join one of the most popular online social networking websites for finding old friends and flames. That website is known as Facebook. Okay, these days a lot of people are trying to do business on it as well but it is more often seen as the grown up social interaction version of the pre-pubescent MySpace.

    Although Facebook is considered a social networking website, it is, in a way, unique from most of the others. This is because Facebook has a strong leaning toward recreating connections that were made in school, whether it be elementary school, high school, or college. Although it is encouraged that you contact those that you know from school, you are able to contact just about anyone on the website. That is one of the many features of Facebook that makes the social networking site worth joining.

    The only problem that many Internet users have with other sites that try to do the same thing (like Classmates is the fact that they often require a paid membership. Facebook is free and although there are free membership plans available on a lot ot the others, you are generally limited with what you can do on those sites. In some cases, despite the fact that you have to become a paid member to enjoy what sites like Classmates has to offer, it can be worth it, and the membership fee is usually easy to afford.

    If you are interested in seeing what Facebookhas to offer, you can easily do so by visiting their online website at Once at their main page, you will have to go through the process creating a profile and selecting your schools. This is part of what will be displayed on the website; however, once you officially become a member you can add more information to your profile.

    On Facebook you can post your own profile, pictures, comments, status updates, join clubs, attend events (online and off-line) and view profiles from other members. Viewing the profiles of other members, especially those that you went to school with, is easy. Facebook makes it possible to search for people based on the schools that they went to, and the years that they attended. This means that whether you graduated in 1970 or 2000, you should easily be able to obtain information on your former classmates, lovers and friends, and contact them to re-kindle what you once had.

    By joining Facebook, you will not only be able to make contact with your old classmates and friends, but you may also even be able to renew old friendships or make new ones. Reconnecting with your old friends and making new ones, what could be better than that?

    More soon.


    You can join the Blue Oceans mailing list here.

    Sunday, July 5, 2009

    How to Make a Podcast

    A podcast is an easy way of distributing media files over the Internet. This article will tell how to make a podcast.

    The first thing you need is a hosting service on which to store the media files for the podcast, ideally with our own domain name. Buying a domain name is simple and easy. There are many domain registrars that can register a domain for someone for a small fee. The same goes for hosting. There are loads of hosting service providers out there.

    Some of the domain registrars are Intaserve, HostMonster,, Dotster, or Network Solutions. Personally if you need a domain and hosting, I recommend you go with HostMonster. Their service is extremely reliable and fast, the price is amazingly low for everything you receive (a lot of things are unlimited), AND they provide you with a FREE .com domain of your choice, provided of course that it is not already taken. I have been using HostMonster for many years and am totally satisfied.

    Whoever you chose, the domain registrar will, for a small fee, enter the chosen domain, provided it is not being used, into the computers that form the backbone of the Internet. These computers will be told where the domain is located on the Internet, that is to say, which host holds the domain's information.

    In order to publish and distribute that information across the Internet, the name servers that are held by the host need to be associated with the domain. They need to be identifiable as the authority on the Internet for information pertaining to the domain.

    Once the domain is in place, a good hosting service should be found. The hosting service that is chosen should offer a large amount of both disk space and a much larger amount bandwidth (really data traffic allowance). Disk space is necessary because the site that holds the podcast will be storing large media files; audio or video files that take up a lot of space. These files are typically difficult to compress and so the storage requirements of your hosting service will need to accommodate this.

    The large bandwidth is necessary because transferring these large files many times to many different (potentially thousands of) people will use up a small quota very quickly. A good amount of disk space would be at least 50 (fifty) GigaBytes (GB), and bandwidth should be in the several hundreds of Gigabytes or tens of TeraBytes (TB – a TeraByte is equal to 1,000 GigaBytes). Ideally you should be looking for a service with unlimited disk space/storage and unlimited bandwidth/data traffic allowance.

    Once the hosting service is set up, it should offer you a couple of addresses called nameservers. Inputting these server addresses into the site where the domain was registered will complete the domain setup and allow your site to be found on the Internet.

    Again, because of all of the above, I recommend HostMonster. The disk storage is unlimited, the data traffic allowance (bandwidth) is unlimited, AND they register a .com domain name for you for FREE with their hosting package. The HostMonster hosting package costs (the last time I checked) about US$5.95 a month.

    The next step for people who want to know how to make a podcast is installing the software necessary to maintain the podcast. A small piece of coding called dircaster.php can be used to set up a basic level of podcast. Dircaster.php can be found easily by searching for it in any search engine.

    Once it is located, it should be edited to reflect the particulars of the domain and uploaded to the site. You may want to ask a web programmer to do this for you but with a little effort you can most likely figure it out yourself. Dircaster.php will generate an RSS file, or feed, that tells the subscriber about the new files available for downloading.

    To begin podcasting, create the audio files that should be podcast, fill in the information about the file such as date, author, etc, and upload them to the same directory that contains dircaster.php. You now have a podcast, and all that is needed is to publicise the address of the file dircaster.php. To update the podcast with new information, just upload the new files. Other things to make the podcast better might be a site that contains information about the podcast, such as a marketing site, but it may not be necessary depending upon the purpose of the podcast and/or possibly your business model.

    I hope this has been helpful.


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    Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Online Presence

    Do you own or operate your own website? With the popularity of the Internet constantly growing across all demographics there is a good chance that you do. A large number of Internet users run their own personal websites, but others run their websites as a way to make money. Of course, any website owner wishes to promote their online presence, but those who rely on their websites for income are more willing for obvious reasons. Irrespective of the type of website you have, did you know that you can help to promote it with online social networking websites, and through social media optimisation. More on the latter in another article.

    If you are wondering how and why you should use social networking websites and the more recently emerging web 3.0 technologies to promote your online presence, you are not alone. A fairly large numbers of Internet users aren’t even sure what social networking sites are or how they work, let alone the web 3.0 technologies, including activities such as micro-blogging on sites like Twitter.

    Online social networking websites are like online communities. They give internet users an easy and fairly safe way to come together. Many social networking websites are designed to make it easier for you to search for and make contact with other Internet users, especially those with whom you have something in common.

    With a fairly large number of social networking websites, including Ecademy, Xing, LinkedIn, and Facebook, all with several millions users each, there is a good chance that you could not only make new friends, but find Internet users that would be interested in visiting your website or other online presence, especially if that website is your personal website. When joining an online networking community, you are normally given your own profile page with a unique or personalised URL for people to find you on the social network. On this page you can describe yourself, your business (if applicable) and your other online presences including your website. By mentioning what your personal online webpage(s) is/are all about and providing a link, you increase the chance for new visitors to seek you out and read what you have to say, sell, or promote.

    As previously mentioned, social networking websites can benefit all website owners, but especially those who are looking to make a profit with their websites. This can be done one of two ways, by selling a product or service, and/or by relying on revenue from advertising. If you have a website that sells products or services, you may find it a little bit easier to use social networking sites to your advantage. This is because, if you wish, you can do product or service spotlights. Each day, week, or month, you can showcase one of the products or services that your website sells. This can either be done right on your profile page or on a blog page. In addition to some of the more popular blogging sites such as, most social networking websites provide a blog capability for you to post information.

    If you are using your online website to make money with advertising programs, such as affiliate programs or Google Adsense, you will most likely need to approach social networking websites in a different matter. Since you will not necessarily have a particular product or service to focus on, you will need to approach these websites as if they were personal websites. If your website discusses being a dog owner, it may be a good idea to state your love for dogs in your profile. After doing so, it would be acceptable and not necessarily considered spam to add a link to your online website. As with all other types of online websites, social networking websites should help to increase the number of page views your website receives. In most cases, more page views mean more clicks which means money for you. However this advertising focused approach to social networking is not the recommended way of interacting with others online. It is quite often frowned upon and once you have a reputation for it, it will be hard to break free from the perception that has been created of you.

    As you can easily see, there are a number of different ways that you can promote your online website, no matter what type of website you have or what you use it for. By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to see an increase in your page views, in no time at all.

    This however only starts to scratch at the surface of what is possible with promotion of your online presence and website through social networking websites. It also does not even begin to address the benefits of implementing social media optimisation as a part of your (digital/online) marketing strategy. These will be topics for future posts so come back soon and read further.

    The writer is recognised internationally as an expert in the field of online and viral marketing, and continues to support the strategic efforts of several small to medium businesses, large corporations, and private individuals to enhance their online image and increase sales.

    I hope this was helpful.


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    Hello World - Plotting a Course to New Blue Oceans

    The purpose of this blog and the associated Blue Oceans Newsletter is to assist others who seek to become leaders of their life, family, business, or their company, or to improve their existing leadership skills in any or all of these same areas.

    This blog represents a journey I embarked on some 42 years ago. It is a journey that has lead me from one corner of the globe to another and back again several times. Along the way I have met some truly ‘great ‘ people; I have also met my fair share of scoundrels, and continue to do so; both the good and bad that is. From each I have learnt something, and through that have gained some invaluable knowledge to be able to pass on to and help educate others. I consider this to be one of the intended purposes of my life.

    Some people embark on a journey with a clear sense of direction and an understanding of how to navigate to their destination in the fastest possible time. I admire these people for their clarity, focus, and achievements. At the same time I am grateful for the experiences I have gained through taking the more scenic route to success. On occasion through the slums and ghettos of the business world, and at other times through levels of Babylonian luxury that the story belongs on the silver screen.

    The content of Blue Oceans will be varied and offer a broad range of information and insights. Very similar to my own journey thus far. The key difference though is that this blog has a clear focus on leadership, and on creating massive new opportunities in untapped areas for you and those within your circle of influence. Opportunities on which to build a better life, and to build wealth through contribution and service.

    I will not spell strategies out for you, these you must come up with yourself, otherwise you would simply be executing what I think and what I do. Apart from the obvious, the risk is that we would start to create a bloodied red ocean of competition, well before its time. Instead you should be creating unique opportunities that match your skills, talents, and experience to uncover new blue oceans of untapped wealth that underscore your purpose on this earth.

    If you find value in this blog I am happy, and hope you will return often, and bring your friends. If you feel you have something valuable to add for the entire readership, I encourage you to contribute. If you have any comments, compliments, or criticisms, I would be grateful to hear from you.

    Until soon.


    You can join the Blue Oceans mailing list here.